Santa Cruz City Council Candidate Comparison

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David Tannaci
District 1
Candidate Statement
Gabriela Trigueiro
District 1
Candidate Statement
Image of Gabriela Trigueiro
Hector Marin
District 2
Candidate Statement
Sonja Brunner
District 2
Candidate Statement
Shebreh Kalantari-Johnson
District 3
Candidate Statement
Image of Shebreh Kalantari-Johnson
Joy Schendledecker
District 3
Candidate Statement
Image of Joy Schendledecker
Joe Thompson
District 5
Candidate Statement
Image of Joe Thompson
Susie O'Hara
District 5
Candidate Statement
Image of Susie O'Hara
Occupation (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer)
Organizations that endorse the candidate
* = unverified
(no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer)
Addressing Homelessness
How should the city address homelessness issues?
(no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer)
Addressing public safety
How should our community address public safety issues?
(no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer)
 David TannaciGabriela TrigueiroHector MarinSonja BrunnerShebreh Kalantari-JohnsonJoy SchendledeckerJoe ThompsonSusie O'Hara
Rent Control Position
Should Santa Cruz have a rent control ordinance? If so, how should it compare to what Measure M proposed?
(no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer)
Hwy 1's Future
Should highway 1 expansion prioritize more car or transit capacity? Is a dedicated transit lane feasible?
(no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer)
Bike/pedestrian safety?
Our cities ranks poorly on biking/pedestrian safety? What should we do?
(no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer)
Climate Change
What does the City need to do to address climate change?
(no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer)
West Cliff 50 Year Plan
How should the city balance issues like private property vs public access, armoring vs strategic retreat, space for cars vs bikes/peds?
(no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer)
Transit on rail corridor?
Should the rail corridor include transit (e.g. train, bus, etc.)
(no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer)
 David TannaciGabriela TrigueiroHector MarinSonja BrunnerShebreh Kalantari-JohnsonJoy SchendledeckerJoe ThompsonSusie O'Hara
Budget Shortfalls
How would you address the City's budget shortfalls?
(no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer)
Other Comments (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer) (no answer)
 David TannaciGabriela TrigueiroHector MarinSonja BrunnerShebreh Kalantari-JohnsonJoy SchendledeckerJoe ThompsonSusie O'Hara



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